Search Results
MODAL QUADRANGULATION (Cyborg Cycle - Short Melodic Etude) - Modern Jazz Quartal Phrasing
MODAL QUADRANGULATION (Chasing Trains - Coltrane Changes Workout) - Modern Quartal Melodic Phrasing
Quartal Modern Melodic Phrasing over Altered Chords - MODAL QUADRANGULATION (Altered Quadrant)
Modern Jazz Melodic Phrasing using 4ths - MODAL QUADRANGULATION - short excerpts
MODAL QUADRANGULATION - Melodic Phrases and Exercise Ideas using 4ths - Coming soon...
MODAL QUADRANGULATION - Modern Jazz Melodic Phrases using 4ths
MODAL QUADRANGULATION (Minor Quads - Short Melodic Etude) - Cycle of 4ths with "minor 7" chords
MODAL QUADRANGULATION (Melodic Phrases and Exercise Ideas using Intervals of a 4th)
Modernizing a ii-V7-I progression with Quintal Voicings
Modern Diminished Phrases and Arpeggio Sequences
Rare Modern 2 Octaves Quartal Arpeggio in A Dorian Lick (with tabs) - DP's Guitar Encyclopedia
Applying Symmetric Boomerang Arpeggios over ii-V-I's - Modern 2 Notes per String Arpeggios